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ML Repositories

  • A project on using network graph, NLP techniques (entity recognition, sentiment analysis) to analyse the relationships among characters in a novel. The project takes novel Harry Potter as an example and outputs reasonable results.
    Python 19 6 Updated 2021-02-01
  • A cryptocurrency arbitrage framework implemented with ccxt and cplex. It can be used to monitor multiple exchanges, find a multi-lateral arbitrage path which maximizes rate of return, calculate the optimal trading amount for each pair in the path given …
    Python 72 37 6 Updated 2021-02-02
  • A project of using machine learning model (tree-based) to predict short-term instrument price up or down in high frequency trading.
    Python 21 18 Updated 2020-12-28
  • A project on using mathematical programming to solve multi-modal transportation cost minimization in goods delivery and supply chain management.
    Python 54 28 1 Updated 2021-02-04

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