is a ground-up effort to build and grow the machine learning community in Singapore.

News @ is a digital magazine that aims to be a place to discuss research and trends in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The goal is to provide accessible and technically informed overviews of the what’s going on in AI/ML, as well as a platform for perspectives on recent developments and long-term trends. It is also built on Hugo and hosted on Github Pages.

The community was started in late 2020 by an ML researcher and software engineer.


The theme used is based on Primer and github-style and the site is built with Hugo and hosted on Github Pages.

Data for the researchers, publications and institutions are retrieved from the great Microsoft Academic Graph.

Data for jobs is retrieved from, a super local effort to curate jobs in tech.

Data of coders and repositories are retrieved with the Github API. is funded entirely by donations. I greatly appreciate any donations, which will help to cover additional hosting costs of services like crawling, maps and search.

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